Condominium & Homeowner Associations in Marco Island

An expanding area of law has arisen around issues faced by condominium owners’ associations (COAs) and homeowners’ associations (HOAs) Florida Statutes Section 718 governs many issues related to the operation of a COA and Florida Statutes Section 720 governs many issues related to the operation of a HOA. In many cases, these issues are significantly different from traditional real estate law issues. They require the attention of an attorney with specific knowledge of this area of the law.

At the Law Offices of William G. Morris, P.A., we possess the knowledge and experience necessary to handle the issues related to condominium and homeowner associations. We represent both associations and owers in condominium and homeowner association matters, advise our clients on the most complex issues and update them with changes in the law.


Our lawyers can assist with basic issues, such as:

  • Document amendments
  • Creation of a budget
  • Calculating reserve accounts according to statutes
  • Developer turnover
  • Parking and more.

From the legal necessities required to form a COA or HOA, to the steps that need to be taken to make certain laws are followed along the way, we can help keep concerns from becoming problems.


Disputes between individual property owners and associations can arise for a variety of reasons. Typically, there is an allegation that one side is not fulfilling it’s obligations to the other. We can assist with disputes such as:

  • Collection, liens and foreclosure
  • Enforcement of association rules and governing documents
  • Arbitration and more.

For any dispute, we have the legal knowledge to see that it gets resolved and will attempt to resolve dispute with a minimum of discord, as it often involves your neighbor.

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Statutory Regulation is Only the Beginning